Unit 13

Unit 13:
Clinical Psychology on the Internet
Unit 13: Assignment #1 (due before 11:59 pm Central on MON APR 21):

  1. First, watch Professor Gernsbacher’s lecture video “Internet Addiction” [a captioned version is here, and a transcript is here].
  2. Look through the summary of Pew Research Center’s (2022) report on gambling and notice, as mentioned in Professor Gernsbacher’s lecture video, that Internet-based gambling is the least frequent form of gambling. In-person gambling is considerably more frequent.
  3. Now, imagine the following situation: A friend of yours learns that you are taking a course titled “Psychological Effects of the Internet.” This friend asks, “Isn’t that course all about Internet addiction and other negative effects of the Internet?”
  4. Go to the Unit 13: Assignment #1 Discussion Board and create a new post of at least 200 words in which you answer this friend’s question, drawing on at least four points that were mentioned in Professor Gernsbacher’s lecture video.

Unit 13: Assignment #2 (due before 11:59 pm Central on TUE APR 22):

  1. First, review what a Randomized Controlled Trial is from Wikipedia. Be sure you remember
    1. that Randomized Controlled Trials are considered the “gold standard” for intervention research, and
    2. what it means to randomly assign participants to conditions.
  2. Then, to get a feel for the types of Internet-based therapy that have been tested, read through the list of article titles below and choose ONE article to read:
    1. Frenette et al.’s (2023) study, “The Effect of an Internet‐based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Intervention on Social Support in Disaster Evacuees
    2. Hennemann et al.’s (2022) study, “Internet-Based CBT for Somatic Symptom Distress (iSOMA) in Emerging Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial
    3. Sagoe et al.’s (2021) study, “Internet-based Treatment of Gambling Problems: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
    4. Wyssen et al.’s (2021) study, “BED‐online: Acceptance and Efficacy of an Internet‐based Treatment for Binge‐eating Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial Including Waitlist Conditions
    5. Lundström et al’s (2022) study, “Effect of Internet-Based vs Face-to-Face Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adults with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial
    6. Treml et al.’s (2021) study, “Efficacy of an Internet-based Cognitive-Behavioural Grief Therapy for People Bereaved by Suicide: A Randomized Controlled Trial
    7. Brog et al.’s (2022) study, “Effects of an Internet-Based Self-Help Intervention for Psychological Distress Due to COVID-19: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial
    8. Rackoff et al.’s (2020) study, “A Randomized Controlled Trial of Internet-Based Self-Help for Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    9. Dumarkaite et al.’s (2023) study, “The Efficacy of the Internet-based Stress Recovery Intervention FOREST for Nurses Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Randomized Controlled Trial
    10. Beukes et al.’s (2022) study, “Internet-Based Audiologist-Guided Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Tinnitus: Randomized Controlled Trial
    11. Feil et al.’s (2020) study, “Randomized Control Trial of an Internet-based Parenting Intervention for Mothers of Infants
    12. Schröder et al.’s (2020) study, “Unguided Internet‐based Cognitive‐Behavioral Therapy for Obsessive‐Compulsive Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial
    13. Abroms et al.’s (2013) study, “A Randomized Trial of Text2Quit: A Text Messaging Program for Smoking Cessation
    14. Albertson et al.’s (2014) study, “Self-Compassion and Body Dissatisfaction in Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Brief Meditation Intervention
    15. Beukes et al.’s (2017) study, “Audiologist-Guided Internet-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Adults with Tinnitus in the United Kingdom: A Randomized Controlled Trial
    16. Blom et al.’s (2015) study, “Effectiveness of an Internet Intervention for Family Caregivers of People with Dementia: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial
    17. Dahlin et al.’s (2016) study, “Internet-Delivered Acceptance-Based Behaviour Therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial
    18. Ebert et al.’s (2016) study, “The 6-Month Effectiveness of Internet-Based Guided Self-Help for Depression in Adults with Type 1 and 2 Diabetes Mellitus
    19. Hagatun et al.’s (2018) study, “Internet-Delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for [Adult] Insomnia and Comorbid Symptoms
    20. Knaevelsrud et al.’s (2015) study, “Web-Based Psychotherapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in War-Traumatized Arab Patients: Randomized Controlled Trial
    21. Kypri et al.’s (2014) study, “Web-Based Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention for University Students: A Randomized Trial
    22. Peters et al.’s (2017) study, “A Randomized Controlled Trial of an 8-Week Internet-delivered Positive Psychology Intervention for Enhancing Well-being in Patients with Chronic Pain
    23. Sheeber et al.’s (2017) study, “Mom-Net: Evaluation of an Internet-Facilitated Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Low-Income Depressed Mothers
    24. Sourander et al.’s (2016) study, “Internet-Assisted Parent Training Intervention for Disruptive Behavior in 4-Year-Old Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial
    25. Thiart et al.’s (2015) study, “Log In and Breathe out: Internet-based Recovery Training for Sleepless Employees with Work-Related Strain – Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial
    26. Wagner et al.’s (2016) study, “Randomized Controlled Trial of an Internet-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program for Binge-Eating Disorder
  3. Go to the Unit 13: Assignment #2 and #4 Discussion Board and create a new post of at least 200 words in which, first, you identify which article you read (by title and author/s’ name) and then, second, you describe the article you read by answering all the following questions:
    1. What was the Internet-based intervention?
    2. How was the Internet-based intervention conducted?
    3. Who were the participants?
    4. What was the control (or comparison) condition?
    5. What did the study find?
    6. If the Internet-based intervention was successful, what factors do you think contributed to its success? Conversely, if the Internet-based intervention was not successful, what factors do you think contributed to its lack of success?
    7. Do you have any personal experience with the area that this intervention was designed to treat?

Unit 13: Assignment #3 (due before 11:59 pm Central on WED APR 23):

  1. First, it’s a good idea to learn (from Grammarist.com) the difference between behavior and behaviour (and, by extension, the difference between behavioral and behavioural).
  2. Read the definition of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) from the Mayo Clinic.
  3. Watch Mind: The Mental Health Charity’s (2015) video, “What is CBT? Making Sense of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.” (A transcript is available here.)
  4. Read the abstract of Adelman et al.’s (2014) article, “Therapist-supported Internet-based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Yields Similar Effects as Face-to-Face Therapy for Psychiatric and Somatic Disorders: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-analysis,” which was published in the journal, World Psychiatry, and which examined 16 different clinical conditions.
  5. Read through this list, from PsychCentral, of free CBT apps.
  6. Read through this handout about Uwill, which is free/no-cost Internet-based therapy that is accessible to all UW-Madison students (“students can get in quickly to see a counselor, with appointments typically available within 24 hours”).
  7. Tell at least one other person the following:
    1. what Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is;
    2. that meta-analysis shows that Internet-based CBT is as effective as face-to-face CBT and is more effective than doing nothing; and
    3. that several free CBT apps are available.
  8. Tell at least one other UW-Madison student the following:
    1. Uwill is free/no-cost Internet-based therapy that is accessible to all UW-Madison students.
    2. “students can get in quickly to see a counselor, with appointments typically available within 24 hours”
  9. Go to the Unit 13: Assignment #3 Discussion Board and make a new post in which you simply post the following five statements:
    1. I understand what Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is.
    2. I’ve read the abstract of a meta-analysis that shows that Internet-based CBT is as effective as face-to-face CBT and more effective than doing nothing.
    3. I know that several free CBT apps are available.
    4. I’ve told one other person what CBT is; that meta-analyses show that Internet-based CBT is as effective as face-to-face CBT and is more effective than doing nothing; and that several free CBT apps are available.
    5. I’ve told one other UW-Madison student about UWill.

Unit 13: Assignment #4 (due before 11:59 pm Central on FRI APR 25):

  1. Read the posts written by all the other members of your section in the Unit 13: Assignment #2 and #4 Discussion Board.
  2. Review from the Course Syllabus the “Best Way to Respond to Another Student’s Discussion Board Post.” Remember that your responses should always include at least two of the four recommended components.
  3. Then, write two response posts.
    1. one response post should be to a student who read about (and discussed) the same research article as you did, and
    2. the other response post should be to a student who read about (and discussed) a different research article than you did.
    3. If no other student read about (and discussed) the same article as you, then you may respond to two students, each of whom read about (and discussed) a different article than you.
    4. Each of your two response posts should be at least 200 words.
    5. If two other students in your section have not yet posted on the Unit 13: Assignment #2 Discussion Board, you will need to wait until they do OR until the due date for Unit 13: Assignment #2 has passed.
    6. You will not be held responsible for responding to two other students’ posts if the Unit 13: Assignment #2 due date has passed, and two other students have not yet posted on Unit 13: Assignment #2 Discussion Board.

Unit 13: Assignment #5 (due before 11:59 pm Central on SUN APR 27):

  1. Meet online with your NEW Chat Group (which you formed during Unit 8) for a one-hour text-based Group Chat at a time/date that your Chat Group previously arranged.
  2. Prior to your one-hour Group Chat, everyone needs to read the following (these are all CBT self-help articles):
    1. Boyes (2013) article, “Try These Cognitive Restructuring Exercises to Improve Your Mood and Reduce Stress
    2. Anxiety BC’s (no date) article, “Self Help – Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT): Realistic Thinking
    3. Hubbard’s (no date) article, “Procrastination: Getting Unstuck with CBT
  3. Begin your one-hour Group Chat by doing the following: Each Chat Group member needs to indicate ONE of the nine “How Are You Feeling At the START of Today’s Group Chat?” images. More than one Chat Group member can indicate the same image if that’s how they are feeling, and please refer to each image by its number.
  4. During your one-hour Group Chat do the following:

    1. First, each Chat Group member needs to describe what their Term Project is (including the media they’re using), their current progress on their Term Project, AND how they’re feeling about your Term Project, keeping in mind that the Term Project is due in the next Unit.
      • Are you feeling overwhelmed and anxious (there’s so much to do, you don’t know where to start)?
      • Are you feeling stuck (you might have started strong, but now you’re stuck and it’s hard to know what to do next)?
      • Are you feeling defeated (even if you work hard, who knows how good the project will be)?
      • Are you feeling underwhelmed (sheesh, there’s still a whole Unit to go)?
    2. Second, for each Chat Group member, other members of the Chat Group will help the Chat Group member apply the cognitive restructuring principles, the realistic thinking recommendations, and the SMART goals outlined in the three articles you read (before the Group Chat).
      • Help each member of the Chat Group arrive, using the principles and recommendations you read about, at a productive emotional place for completing their Term Project.
      • If a Chat Group member isn’t feeling overwhelmed, underwhelmed, anxious, stuck, defeated, or the like about their Term Project for this course, ask if there is another course project or exam for which they are feeling some of those things — and apply the principles and recommendations to the group member’s thinking and feeling about that other project or exam.
  5. At the end of your one-hour Group Chat:
    1. First, nominate one member of your Chat Group (who participated in the Chat) to make a post on the Unit 13: Assignment #5 Discussion Board that summarizes your Group Chat in at least 200 words.
    2. Second, nominate another member of your Chat Group (who participated in the Group Chat using the browser Chrome on their laptop, rather than on their mobile device) to save the Chat transcript, in PDF, as described in the Course How To (under the topic, “How To Save and Attach a Chat Transcript”), and attach the Chat transcript, in PDF, to a Unit 13: Assignment #5 Discussion Board post.
    3. Third, nominate a third member of your Chat Group (who also participated in the Chat) to make a post on the Unit 13: Assignment #5 Discussion Board that states the name of the assignment (Unit 13: Assignment #5), the full name of your Chat Group, the first and last name of each Chat Group member who participated in the Group Chat, the day and date of your Group Chat (e.g., SUN SEP 3), and the start and stop time of your Group Chat.
    4. If only two persons participated in the Chat, then one of those two persons needs to do two of the above three tasks.
    5. End your Group Chat by doing the following:
      • Each Chat Group member needs to indicate ONE of the nine “How Are You Feeling at the END of Today’s Group Chat?” images. More than one Chat Group member can indicate the same image if that’s how they are feeling, and please refer to each image by its number.
      • NOTE: The “How Are You Feeling at the END of Today’s Group Chat” grid of images differs from the “How Are You Feeling at the START of Today’s Group Chat” grid of images.
      • Say goodbye to your Chat Group because this is your last Group Chat of the course!

Unit 13: Assignment #6 (due before 11:59 pm Central on SUN APR 27):

  1. Complete the Unit 13 Course Review Sheet (which is a fillable PDF; refer to previous Units’ instructions for how to download onto your own device, save on your own device, rename on your own device, and then fill in on your own device — by typing, not copying — a fillable PDF).
    1. Rename the unfilled PDF to be YourLastName_PSY-532_Unit13_CourseReview.pdf; then fill it in by typing, not copying.
    2. Remember that each Course Review Sheet in this course will be cumulative, so be sure to fill in by typing ALL pages.
  2. IMPORTANT NOTE about your Term Project: Professor Gernsbacher knows that students are under tremendous stress during the last Unit of the term. To alleviate that stress, Professor Gernsbacher would love to make your Term Project due during this second-to-last Unit rather than the last Unit. Unfortunately, instructors are not allowed to set Term Project deadlines during the second-to-last Unit of the term. But, that doesn’t need to stop you from taking advantage of this course’s built-in Flexibility Accommodation by turning in your Term Projects early, rather than waiting until the more stressful last Unit of the term. So, do yourself a favor, and turn in your Term Project now!
    1. If you choose to turn in your Term Project now, do the following:
      • Make sure your Term Project is complete. If you’ve chosen the Whole Course option, make sure you’ve overviewed/journaled all 14 units; if you’ve chosen the Deep Dive option, make sure you’ve produced the remaining approximately 1/3 of your Term Project.
      • Go to Unit 14 on the Course Website, scroll down to Unit 14: Assignment #4, and follow the directions there for turning in your Term Project.
      • ALSO, for Unit 13, make a PDF that has only the following content: “I’ve already turned in my Term Project!”
      • Name that PDF, YourLastName_PSY-532_Unit13_TermProject.pdf.
    2. If you choose NOT to turn in your Term Project now, make progress on your Term Project:
      • If you’ve chosen the Whole Course option, overview/journal the current unit (Unit 13).
        • Take a partial screenshot of your overview/journal of Unit 13 in your presentation medium (i.e., in your blog, Tumblr, Pinterest board, website, video, podcast, Prezi, Slideshare, PPT, Keynote, or Google slide deck). Make sure your partial screenshot shows the Unit number of the Unit being overviewed/journaled.
      • If you’ve chosen the Deep Dive option, produce the remaining approximately 1/3 of your Term Project.
        • Take a partial screenshot demonstrating in some way that you have produced nearly all of your Term Project (2/3 during the last two units, and 1/3 during this unit).
      • Compose at least 200 words describing
        • which project you’ve chosen (if you’ve chosen the Whole Course option of assembling a detailed overview of the course for an audience other than college students, be sure to identify your intended audience; if you’ve chosen the Deep Dive option, be sure to tell us which topic/question you’ve chosen)
        • which presentation medium you’ve chosen,
        • and what work you completed on your Term Project during this unit. Remember that you should be allocating about two hours per Unit to your Term Project.
      • Save your at-least-200 words as a PDF that includes your partial screenshot and that is named YourLastName_PSY-532_Unit13_TermProject.pdf. The text in your partial screenshot does not count toward the at-least-200 words you are required to compose.
  3. Go to Unit 13: Assignment #6 (which is an Assignment link, not a Discussion Board) and
    1. use the “File Upload” tool to attach/upload your completed Unit 13 Course Review Sheet (click “Choose File” to attach/upload your filled-in PDF);
    2. click on “+ Add Another File” to attach/upload either your one-sentence “I’ve already turned in my Term Project!” PDF OR your 200-word composition about your Term Project (saved in PDF; remember to include your screenshot in your PDF); and
    3. immediately after submitting your assignment, check to make sure that your filled-in Course Review PDF is really filled-in (that it isn’t empty) and that your PDF about your Term Project is also attached and complete.

Congratulations, you have finished Unit 13! Onward to Unit 14!