Unit 14

Unit 14:
Looking Forward on the Internet
Unit 14: Assignment #1 (due before 11:59 pm Central on MON APR 28):

  1. First, to get a quick overview of how Internet-based data can be used to answer research questions, read these two abstracts that were published in the prestigious journal, Science.
  2. Then, choose ONE of the following questions and complete its associated activities:
    1. Can Instagram Photos Provide Data about the Happiest Colleges?
    2. Can Google Searches Provide Data about Hidden Attitudes and Behavior?
    3. Can Tweets Provide Data about Heart Disease?
    4. Can Facebook ‘Likes’ Provide Data about NCAA Football and Major League Baseball Team Popularity?
    5. Can Tweets Provide Data about Contagious Illnesses (e.g., the flu)?
    6. Can Yelp Reviews Provide Data about Food-Borne Illness?
    7. Can Wikipedia Hits Provide Data about Health Epidemiology?
    8. Can Online Book Purchases Provide Data about Political Differences?
    9. Can Music App Use Provide Data about Emotional Engagement?
  3. Go to the Unit 14: Assignment #1 Discussion Board and make a new post of at least 200 words in which you
    1. answer the question that you chose from the set of questions above (in b.);
    2. when answering the question you chose, be sure to reference all the articles you read (or podcasts you listened to) by their authors’ names; and
    3. explain why you chose to learn the answer to that question (e.g., do you have a personal interest in that topic?).

Unit 14: Assignment #2 (due before 11:59 pm Central on TUE APR 29):

  1. Read what Nikola Tesla predicted about future wireless communication back in 1926.
  2. Watch what Arthur C. Clarke predicted about future wireless communication back in 1976. [A transcript of the video is available here.]
  3. Read Wired magazine’s brief (2018) article, “25 Years Ago, AT&T Predicted the Future We’re Living Now” and then watch the compilation of AT&T television advertisements that were created in 1993 (aka: 25 years ago) and were titled “You Will.”
  4. Watch a compilation of clips from the NBC News “Today Show” with the show’s hosts — and others — talking about the Internet back in 1995 (and note, with irony, that Katie Couric recently served as the global news anchor of Yahoo News, which is a completely Internet-based news outlet).
  5. Read excerpts from Douglas Adams’ (author of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) essay “How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Internet,” which was written in 1999, when the Internet was a baby.
  6. Read through Pessmist’s Archive’ (2021) comic strip about the history of moral panics regarding technology and past-times.
  7. Watch how Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone in 2007 (and predicted that “we’re going to make some history today”).
  8. Go to the Unit 14: Assignment #2 Discussion Board and make a new post of at least 200 words in which you do the following:
      1. First, identify (from a. through f. above) and describe five previous predictions that have come true.
        • Be sure to number the five previous predictions either numerically (e.g., 1. …, 2. …, 3. …) or linguistically (e.g., First, … Second, … Third, …).
        • Be sure to include the date each of the five previous predictions was made and the name of the person making each of the five previous predictions.
      2. Second, make three future predictions of your own about the future of the Internet.
        • Again, be sure to number your three predictions (either numerically or linguistically).

Unit 14: Assignment #3 (due before 11:59 pm Central on WED APR 30):

  1. The purpose of this assignment is to give everyone a chance to re-do an assignment and earn full credit on Unit 14: Assignment #3 when you didn’t earn full credit on a previous assignment.
  2. You may choose any assignment from any Unit in the course that you want to re-do (even an assignment that you previously corrected to earn two points, rather than three points).
    1. However, you must choose an assignment on which you previously did not earn full credit (and instead you earned only 0, 1, or 2 points).
    2. If you’re a student who’s earned full credit on all your assignments (and several students have), congratulations to you! You may choose any previous assignment to re-do.
  3. Go to the Unit 14: Assignment #3 Discussion Board and do the following:
    1. First, identify, in the first line of your post, the number of the previous assignment you’ve chosen to re-do (e.g., write a sentence such as, “I’ve chosen to re-do Unit 4: Assignment #1”).
    2. Second, explain, in one sentence, why you’ve chosen to re-do that previous assignment; and
    3. Third, re-do the previous assignment, right here on the Unit 14: Assignment #3 Discussion Board (rather than on any previous Discussion Board).
      • Be sure to post the entire assignment that you are re-doing, not just the part of the assignment that previously did not fulfill all the requirements.
      • For combined assignments (e.g., Unit 1: Assignment #2 and #4), the re-do offer is good for only one of the previously two combined assignments (either Unit 1: Assignment #2 OR Unit 1: Assignment #4 but not Unit 1: Assignment #2 AND Unit 1: Assignment #4).
      • If the assignment you are re-doing requires attaching two PDFs, attach one PDF to one Discussion Board post; then, make a reply post to yourself, and attach the second PDF.
      • Similarly, if the assignment you’re re-doing requires making multiple Discussion Board posts, make an initial post and then make additional posts by responding to your previous posts.

Unit 14: Assignment #4 (due before 11:59 pm Central on FRI MAY 2):

  1. Now it’s time to turn in your Term Project! Please read the following instructions carefully.
  2. If your presentation medium is
    1. a Tumblr, Pinterest board, Prezi, Slideshare, blog, or website, you must embed the link in your Discussion Board post as you learned in the Course How To (so that your link will show up as actual text, rather than just a URL);
    2. a video, series of videos, podcast, or series of podcasts, you must upload your videos or podcasts to a video or podcast hosting site (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo, Soundcloud, Podbean) and then EITHER embed the YouTube video or Vimeo video as you learned in the Course How To OR embed the link (to Soundcloud, Podbean, or the like) in your Discussion Board post as you learned in the Course How To.
    3. a journal (that’s not posted on a blog, Tumblr, or other website), you must convert your document to a PDF and attach the PDF to your Discussion Board Post.
        • No .doc, .docx, .pages, or other file types besides PDF will be accepted.
        • Name your PDF YourLastName_PSY-532_TermProject.pdf.
    4. a research-based term paper, you must convert your document to a PDF and attach the PDF to your Discussion Board Post.
        • No .doc, .docx, .pages, or other file types besides PDF will be accepted.
        • Name your PDF YourLastName_PSY-532_TermProject.pdf.
    5. a PPT, Keynote, Google Slides, or Canva presentation, you must convert your PPT, Keynote, Google Slides, or Canva file to a PDF and attach the PDF to your Discussion Board Post.
        • No .ppt, .pptx, .key, or other file types besides PDF will be accepted.
        • Name your PDF YourLastName_PSY-532_TermProject.pdf.
        • IMPORTANT: If you have animations, videos, or audio narration in your PPT, Keynote, Google Slides, or Canva, export your PPT, Keynote, Google Slides, or Canva to a video, upload the video to YouTube or Vimeo, and then follow the instructions above (in 2.) for posting a video.
  3. If you are attaching a PDF, be sure to test the size of your file, using this handout. If the size of your PDF is too large to email to yourself, reduce the size of your file following the suggestions in this handout.
  4. If your Term Project comprises multiple PDFs, you can either
      • compress (i.e., ‘zip’) your files into one folder and attach that zipped folder to your Discussion Board Post (here’s how to compress/zip files in Windows and on a Mac), OR
      • attach each PDF to a separate Discussion Board post by replying to your own Discussion Board post(s).
      • Be sure to name each of your multiple PDFs using the naming system, YourLastName_PSY-532_TermProject.pdf, for example, YourLastName_PSY-532_TermProject_01.pdf, YourLastName_PSY-532_TermProject_02.pdf, etc.
  5. You MUST immediately test your embedded link/s or your attached PDF/s (or zipped folder of PDFs) to make sure that your links, PDFs, or zipped folder open correctly.
    1. If your embedded links, zipped folder, or attached PDFs do NOT open correctly, they, unfortunately, cannot be scored, and you will need to correct your post to make your links, PDFs, or zipped folder open correctly.
    2. It’s a good idea to ask a classmate (perhaps one of your Chat Group members) to try opening your link/s, zipped folder, or attached PDF/s. What’s available to you (because you’re logged in to an app or because you have the files on your own computer) might not be what’s available to someone else (such as a classmate, your TA, or your instructor).
  6. Go to the Unit 14: Assignment #4 Discussion Board and do the following:
    1. First, post your Term Project.
    2. Second, write at least one sentence identifying both your Term Project AND its medium, for example, “My Term Project is a Deep Dive into the question “How is the Internet changing the way we learn?” My medium is a traditional research paper.”
      • If you’ve chosen the Whole Course option of assembling a detailed overview of the course for an audience other than college students, be sure to identify your intended audience.

Unit 14: Assignment #5 (due before 11:59 pm Central on SUN MAY 4):

  1. Please complete the Student Course Evaluation for this course, if you have not already done so. You received a link to submit your Student Course Evaluation through email (so you might have to dig it out of your email!).
  2. Of course, Student Course Evaluations are completely anonymous. Professor Gernsbacher will NOT be informed as to whether you complete the evaluation or not.
  3. Therefore, for fairness, everyone will earn three points on this assignment. These three points will come in handy if you’re just one or two (or three) points away from the final total points you wanted to earn in the course.
  4. To earn these three points, go to Unit 14: Assignment #5 and type in “I completed my Student Course Evaluation.”

Unit 14: Assignment #6 (due before 11:59 pm Central on SUN MAY 4):

  1. Complete your final Unit 14 Course Review Sheet (which is a fillable PDF; refer to previous Units’ instructions for how to download onto your own device, save on your own device, rename on your own device, and then fill in on your own device — by typing, not copying — a fillable PDF).
    1. Rename the unfilled PDF to be YourLastName_PSY-532_Unit14_CourseReview.pdf; then fill it in by typing, not copying.
    2. Remember that each Course Review Sheet in this course will be cumulative, so be sure to fill in by typing ALL pages.
  2. Look back at the first page of the Course Syllabus, in the section titled “What Will I Learn [in this course]?” There, you’ll see a list of 14 Learning Objectives. By successfully completing the Unit 14 Course Review Sheet, you are demonstrating that you have successfully achieved all 14 of the course’s Learning Objectives.
  3. Go to Unit 14: Assignment #6 (which is an Assignment link, not a Discussion Board) and use the “File Upload” tool to attach/upload your completed Unit 14 Course Review Sheet (click “Choose File” to attach/upload your filled-in PDF).
  4. Lastly, read through the American Psychological Association’s (no date) list of “Skills that Employers Value,” which lists 17 skills that successful Psychology majors should acquire.
    • Because during this course you have developed these skills, consider adding some or all of these skills to your resume. You’ve earned them!
    • For other resume suggestions, feel free to take advantage of @Slizagna’s (2021) excellent Twitter thread. It’s chockfull of terrific pointers.

Congratulations! You have completed the course!